Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hello, My name is Erica Tiedeman and I am a Junior at the University of Michigan studying Chemical Engineering. I will be attending the University of Manchester through an IPE (International Programs in Engineering) study abroad program starting this September through June 2011. The University of Manchester is in Manchester, UK and is Britain's largest single-site university, according to it's website.

While I am there, I will hopefully be taking chemica
l engineering classes for the most part, as well as some history and material science courses. However, I still don't know what specific classes I will be taking. My program requires a minimum of 15 hours of study each week. Along with studying and taking classes, I would like to do a bit of traveling around Europe on weekends and holidays. I have never been out of the country besides Canada and a few countries in Central America and the Caribbean.

In preparation for my trip, I am currently working on my visa application and buying a few things like a converter, and adapters. I'm sure that in August I will be busier with packing my things. My next blog will be posted about a week before I leave and I'm sure I will have a lot of questions and anxiety in packing my suitcases for 10 months. I'm so excited already!

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